A strange thing. Everyone remembers things differently. It's interesting to think how two people can be in the same place at the same time and remember completely different parts of that time. It's crazy the little things I can remember from years ago, but then I can't remember whether or not I ate breakfast this morning. Also, the things that trigger these memories can be so completely random. Like, if I can remember what I was wearing on a particular day, I can remember details about that day that no one else would. Or, If you can tell me what I was wearing, I can tell you the date if it's within a month. Strange. Very strange the way the mind works.
Today, I was searching through my drawers looking for a ring that it is possible that I have thrown away. Not probable; I remember thinking about going outside and just flinging it as far as I could, but I doubt I ever really did. There's not telling where it has ended up, now, I didn't find it.
What I did find, buried in the bottom of my desk drawer, was 14 peppermint candy canes. I immediately knew how many there were without having to count them. I remember the night I begged to go look at the Christmas lights in the park, how it was the end of the season and the ladies handing out the candy canes at the end gave us all they had in their hands. 14 to be exact. I remember counting. I remember it being dark and going to look at more Christmas lights around the town. I gave horrible directions. I said to go straight, because I thought we were on a different street. You couldn't go straight on this one.
This was years ago, and yet, every aspect of that night came flooding back because of these stupid candy canes.
I threw them away.
I don't even like peppermint.
Good Riddance.
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