Saturday, October 27, 2007


So last week, my new job had an emplyee fun day or something like that.

We all went to SPEEDZONE!! woohoo... : D

We were allowed to bring 2 people, but, ya'know? who the heck am i gunna be able to bring that doesn't have to work from 2-5 on a friday?!

well, anyways, it was great fun, got to get to know the people I work with more (mostly crazy guys who probably ALL thought I was 17). We got a card that was good for three hours from the time we got there or whenever we first swiped it but then, they closed down one of the best racetracks for an hour long private while we were there!! So, I guess someone complained enough because while we were walking back outside, one of the managers saw my shirt with the company logo on it and came running up to me and told me, "Tell your group that I'm adding an extra hour to y'all's cards!!"


wait... I can't stay til 6!! The daycare closes at 6 and I still have to pick my dad up from work!! LAME.

So, when I'm getting ready to leave at 5 when most everyone else has left to beat traffic already, I go up to the counter and complain saying that the extra hour isn't worth anything if I can't stay. So, they recode my card so that it has however much time i had left on it for me to use next time i feel the need to go racing! KEWL. I'll probably lose the card anyways though. *sigh* oh well...

Well, when they finally opened up the other track, I went and got in line with the guys. At the end of our race time. one of them bumps me from the side so i swerve a little and then, Mr. A. (remember him?) rams me!! Hard enough that my glasses FLY off my face (my NEW glasses thankyouverymuch) and onto the track somewhere where I learn a little later that they were run over by someone else. We were supposed to be coming in to park when my glasses flew off, so I couldn't see and just kinda stopped doing anything to steer which made me run into the entrance quite crookedly so much so that it was completely blocked and no one could get past me.

There were 4-5-6 people stopped behind me and I was sitting there hyperventilating in my car cause I couldn't see. I couldn't see enough to be sure they weren't in my car because to look around, I would have to unbuckle, and I think that was against the rules. When Mr. A. asked me what was wrong, all I could get out was a pitifull little scream, "I CAN'T SEE!!" He kept asking me if my glasses were in my car and all I could say is, "I CAN'T SEE!!"

Finally, the guy that was running the race ran over to look around the track. Thank goodness he found them. I was nearly to tears by the time Mr. A. told me the guy had found them.

The frames are a little scaped up, but the lenses look fine. THANK GOD!!

It was quite an ordeal for me. It was especially nice to inform Mr. A. of the 'huge' bruise on my back from the 'accident'.

can you see it?

all in all, it was a good day, although a larger portion of the office now knows that I have a baby. That was something I might have liked to keep to myself a bit longer...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yeah, I'm kinda awesome, I know.

Well, it's been a while hasn't it?

Quite a bit has happened, but I think, today, you will only hear the one I like the best. Because I am tired of being mad; I am tired of being stressed and I am tired of dealing with CRAP!!

So, last Saturday, since I was sans baby for the weekend, I decided to go out for the night. Cowboys is a nice place. I like to dance, it's fun! It's been SO long since I've been out there, too. At least 4 months, if not longer. I started dancing in May of 2005 and I've always gone to Cowboys.

Now, usually, I would go to Cowboys Red River which is only 5 minutes from my house and I know practically every bouncer in the place but, this time, I think that isprecisely the reason why I decided to go out to Cowboys in Arlington.

Now, why did I opt for a 30 minute drive as opposed to a straight 5 minute one? Theres a simple answer. Same amount of people. Bigger dance floor. Cuter Bartender.

So, I get there, it's not ladies night so there's no free valet, so I find a parking spot that is a straight shot from the entrance. I get out and make this long and drawn out sexy walk to the door, which brings over an extra bouncer who I believe I've flirted with before. (The faces get blurry in my head the longer it is between visits.) I reach into my pocket to pull out my ID only to realize that both my bank card and my ID are sitting on my desk in front of the computer where I left them when I check my balance online. DAMNIT.

Here is what I remember from my conversation with the two bouncers at the door:

B1: "Valid driver's liscence or ID, please"
B2: "Hey man how's it going over here blah blah blah"
Me: (CRAP - what I thought when I realized what was missing from my pocket) *sigh* "Sorry guys, I've left my Id and my card at home so I can't even pay to get in."
B1: "Well, I need a valid ID to let you in..."
B2: "You changed pants before you came out didn't you? I bet they're in your other pants. I do that all the time."
Me: "Yeah, I'll have to go home and get them." (I am SO dreading that shamful walk back to the car)
B2: "Yeah, that sucks"
B2 to B1: I mean, I know she's old enough to get in, I've seen her here before..."
B1: *think think think* "What's your birthdate?"
Me: *spouts off birthdate*
B2: "Dude, it doesn't matter she said she doesn't have a way to pay to get in!"
B1, turns to B2: "Put her on the list."
B2: "Huh?"
B1: "Take her inside and tell them to put her on the list."
B2: "Oh! C'mon, honey. We'll take care of yah."

So, Bouncer #2 takes me inside and up to the counter. He tells the lady behind the cash register to put me on the list and even has her stamp my hand to say I am over 21 and legally allowed to drink.

Lets review:

~ went to a bar/dancehall and forgot my ID and $.
~ was going to make the hour roundtrip to go home and come back
~ got in anyways

I'd say it was already a good night.

Let's add in a few pretty good dances and the fact that both the manager and the HOT bartender bought me drinks.

I think we need to label this a really good night.

The only way it could have been better is if I had someone to... oh let's leave that up to your imagination.

The Moral to this story?

This Chic is HOT. (and modest, I know) The End.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


So, I was reading Cosmo the other day... I don't get cosmo, mind you, it was in the library with me saying, "Read me, READ me!! I have pretty colors on my cover!! READ ME!!" So I thought, why the heck not, what's it going to hurt?

On the cover there was a title that caught my eye, I only had so long before my next class, I had no time for browsing through the pages one-by-one. So I turned to page (insert page # here) and began to read "4 Things All Guys Keep Private".

Number one: We masturbate. A LOT.

*ahem* big whoop

Number two: blah blah blah
Number three: blah blah blah

it was the last one that really got me:

Number four: We Google you.

WHAT?! Not that I think you're going to come up with anything special with my name, but... well, let me check... I'll be right back...



hmm.... this is what I got:
Pink virgins, free japanese schoolgirl virgin

I think that scares me...

So, you don't get much if you Google my real name, but I don't want guys googling my SN either! Mainly because they don't need to be reading this blog and then using it to try and get together with me. That's really kind of creepy.

So, don't google me. Got it?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Full Weekend

We flew to Arizona this weekend for my cousin's wedding. It was beautiful. My cousins are great! I don't get to see them very often, so it's nice to see everyone in the same place at the same time that I am out there.

[i]ESPECIALLY[/i] my Uncle Jerry.

This was the first time in my 20+ years of life that I have actually met him in person. Sure, I've seen a couple pictures around, but I was seriously starting to believe that he had been photoshopped into them and that he didn't actually exsist. I was wrong, though. He does exsist. He actually took professional pictures for the wedding. Hopefully, I will get some of the candids cause we ALL know that the Baby was in the midst of everything she could be.

After the wedding, when my uncle came out and announced the new bride and her husband, there was the baby, standing in the doorway and blocking their way. She was almost knocked down by my cousin's dress!! Did the Baby care? nope, I doubt she even noticed. She was too busy checking to see if anyone was blowing bubbles outside.

After the wedding, we took the Baby back to my Grandmother's house and changed her into clothing more suitable for a baby on the move and proceeded to the reception.

There was an open bar. I choked down a 'way-too -much-pepper-and-tabasco' Bloody Mary and then went back for something sour, they didn't have any sour apple, so i sat there for a few minutes staring at what they had and finally said, "Well, then how about something with that amaretto?" and the lady said, "How about an Amaretto Sour?" PERFECT!!

Dinner was buffet style-ish and the Baby thought everything was horrendous except for the bread and the chocolates. I gave her a bite of chicken. She opened her mouth and as soon as it touched her tongue, she made this disgusted face and turned her head away. So I put it on the table in front of her. Apparently, it was more disgusting to look at than it was to taste, beacuse a few minutes later, I look over and she grabs the bite of chicken off of the table and proceeds to SMASH it between her hands and throw it on the floor. I feel sorry for the cleaning crew. After dinner, I let her down from the highchair and she spent the majority of the night dancing happily with a spoon... yes, I said a spoon.

After dinner there were more pictures and lots of dancing, including, but not limited to, the electric slide, the macarena and the chicken dance. Fun was had by all.

Now, the highlight of a wedding would be the bouquet and garter toss, right? Seems to me that noone really gets excited about these anymore, because noone wants to get married next!! Well, ladies, have no fear, you do not have to get married any time soon because I, yes [i]I[/i], have caught the bouquet and I'm starting to think it might have the opposite effect on me. For, you see, ladies, this is not the first time I've caught the bouquet at a wedding. The last time was when I was 4-5 months pregnant with The Baby. I see NO wedding bells in my future.

I really wasn't going for it either time, well, I was, but really just out of reflex, y'know? The first time, the bride barely threw it and I had to take a large enough step to cover half the distance between her and us. The only thing that was going through my mind was, "OMG!! It's going to hit the ground!!" I tried to get them to do a do-over, but her mother would have none of that talk.

This time, the bride [i]really[/i] threw the bouquet and it was going over everyone's head. Me, being 6 feet tall in my heels, just reached up and caught a loop of ribbon on my thumb. Lucky me.

The trip was great fun, but I was sick the whole plane ride back. I went to bed early Sunday night with a fever of 101.1 and 600mg of Ibprofen in my system.

Friday, October 05, 2007

yeah, that's right, I said I've got a crush...

So, seriously, this has GOT to stop!

There's this really cute and funny guy in one of my classes and I SWEAR that every single sentence that came out of my mouth and was directed towards him today contained sexual innuendo, whether or not it was intended!!


let's hope he didn't notice so that I can continue to crush in peace! Thank goodness he's growing the facial hair back! I need it to crush!