I just stalked a Spider...
This was no ordinary spider, this was one of those Spiders that looks like a tiny tarantula. Hairy and ugly. I have a sneaking suspicion it is the same Spider I saw climbing up the outside of my window the other day. He was caught between the window and the screen. He must have heard my *sigh* of relief and silent laughing at his plight and came back for revenge...
I'm trying to upload a video I took, I doubt it will work...
He (or she?!) was climbing up the door frame, I was trying to file, but just couldn't bring myself to have my back facing this monster. For goodness sakes, I saw it JUMP!!
Now, I could have asked one of the guys in the office to dispose of it for me, but why do they need to know how much of a wimp I am?
I watched it for a while. Thank goodness no one saw the look of utter horror on my face as they walked past. I tried to get a picture of it, but it was moving so jerkily and quickly that all I got were little blurs with many, many legs. Oh my, so many legs.... so many....
So it was climbing so fast and so high, I, being the stupid girl that I am, decide to blow at it to see if I can get it to stop...
That little fucker dived off of that door frame and nearly landed on me!
I look down and he has disappeared into the multi-colored carpet.
"Bad plan, very BAD plan."
Now it's on the floor, I can sit in the chair and finish my filing with my feet off the floor looking like an idiot, but he could still climb up the legs of the chair!
So I get down on the floor, searching with my face as close to the floor as i dared and searched for the damn thing. I would find it, stand up to step on it and it would be moving so quickly that I couldn't even kill it with my big ol' feet!! (seriously, they're huge)
I started looking for it while bent over instead of actually being on the floor and that damn Spider was STILL too fast for me!! I would think I squished him, but there wouldn't be any spidey guts on my shoe and when I would go to look for them on the floor, I would catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. It was like a weird kind of dance and I would much rather never learn the rest...
We went back and forth like this for a good few minutes. I chased him out of the office, but for the rest of the day, I will sit in MY office, scared to death because this is the direction he was heading when I couldn't find him anymore!
Spider: 1
Me: 0
Larry Hagman Being Super Cheeky in This Photoshoot With Barbara Eden During
the Filming of the Episode “Jeannie, My Guru”, 1968
“Jeannie, My Guru” was a proposed sequel to *I Dream of Jeannie* that never
made it past the pilot stage. It would have reunited Barbara Eden and Larry
1 hour ago
eewwww, I hate spiders!
I'm sitting here laughing so hard that Micheal is looking at me like I'm insane..I try to explain, and he rolls his eyes and goes back to watching the ridiculously boring movie we rented. You sound like me. I <3 you! LOL
This does not sound wimpy to me. Kinda crazy, maybe, but definitely not wimpy.
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