Oh wow.... The last thing I wrote about was Speedzone?!
well, obviously, it's been a while and you know what that means!
I've been putting off updates because there's just so much, but NOW, I have updates on updates that haven't even been written yet! So I told myself that this week, I write a little update every day and eventually I will have you up to date!
SO... here's my first update.
The day of the speedzone trip, the CPS lady comes to my house, without notice, rolls up her pants' legs takes one look at my house and says 'yeah, this is filthy. Have it cleaned up by tomorrow when I come by, we're trying to get this case closed out by the end of [October]'
THEN - she doesn't show up. Calls me at 7 IN THE MORNING on the 31st desperate to come check the house out. I give her a time and she shows up, I put the dogs in the back room (she's scared of dogs - probably not the best job for her, huh?) but The Baby lets the dogs out... yada yada yada I'm on the phone with her telling her that I've almost got all the dogs put up and what does she do?! SHE KNOCKS ON THE DOOR!! Which of course causes the yappy dog to crazy and she screams bloody murder (not those words, just the sentiment) and runs back to her car.
When I finally do get her back to the house she just peeks in, says, "yeah that looks better, does the rest of the house look like this? Good, I'll call you later tonight to ask you some more questions, but I'm scared the dog is gunna jump the fence.'
Yeah, she never called me. I thought it was over with.
So, here we come to an update on my update.
I came home either last week or the week before to her card on my door again. I call her, she come by, looks at the house and starts to ask me questions.
1. The report said the dog is vicious and bit the baby in the face. (riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight *note sarcasm*)
2. The report said that I don't even like kids and that I just had The Baby to have A baby. (RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT *note even MORE sarcasm*)
3. I don't remember... something like blah blah blah or whatever.
anyways, the thing is now I have no idea who called them! (or what they were on because they obviously don't know me at all...)
I had my suspicions about Guy's family, but I really don't think ANY of them would say something like that! (Not that I'm going to tell him about any of this... the jerk)
oh well, all that really matters is THIS hopefully FINAL update on the update on the update....
Today I got some papers in the mail.
Date of report: 8/28/2007
Specific allegations investigated and disposition:
Type of Alleged Abuse or Neglect:
Neglectful Supervision - RULED OUT
Physical Neglect - RULED OUT
I can also get a copy of the report and get the report removed and destroyed. I have to pay to get the form to fill out to get a copy, but She sent me the removal form with the 'Notice of Findings' paper.
When people ask me about (you know, people I know in real life) I'm just going to tell them I don't want to talk about it - you never know who it could have been! I know I probably won't! I'm going to call tomorrow about getting the copy papers.
Tomorrow I will tell you about Halloween! (That also has an extra update on top of it.)
Larry Hagman Being Super Cheeky in This Photoshoot With Barbara Eden During
the Filming of the Episode “Jeannie, My Guru”, 1968
“Jeannie, My Guru” was a proposed sequel to *I Dream of Jeannie* that never
made it past the pilot stage. It would have reunited Barbara Eden and Larry
1 hour ago
1 comment:
shit! That is messed up!!!! Glad she realised that you are a perfectly fit mom!
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