A couple weeks ago, I was all set to go out for my birthday with friends. My birthday was on a Wednesday, so I had made plans for Friday night and Saturday night of the following weekend. A weekend in which The Guy was supposed to take Eva, except that apparently, he FORGOT.
I called multiple times Friday night. I called his mother and said, 'If he's not here in the next half hour, I'm going to have to bring her over to you.' To which she replied, 'Well, we're not going to be here tonight...'
She tried to call him, she had his brother try to call because apparently, if he's going to pick up for anyone, it would be his brother. Alas, our attempts were to no avail. I finally left him a REALLY nasty message (yeah, I'm that crazy person). I took The Baby to the in-home daycare she goes to during the day and they watched her over night for $35. She did well, I was happy about that.
I called The Guy the next morning. His mom supposedly handed him the phone but he never said anything, I sat there for WAY too long waiting for him. I was crying when I told The New Guy what was going on with The Guy. The not saying anything on the phone was reminiscent of when he would not talk to me until I finally had to tell his parents myself that I was filing for child support. He didn't even meet her until she was 6 months old!! Hell, The New Guy met her by chance when she was 4 months old!
Anyways, I called his mom and told her what was going on. She said she would see what she could do when she got home. She called me a few hours later to tell me that she didn't know what was going to happen. Then, as soon as I hung up with the daycare asking her to watch Eva for a second night in a row, The Guy's mom calls and says I can bring Eva over if I want to.
me: "Is The Guy going to be there?"
mom: "Yes, he will be here."
me: "Is he going to talk to me?"
mom: ".... I really don't know ...."
Well, I guess since it seems his legs are broken and he couldn't drive to come pick up his daughter (sarcasm and not that I had the time to wait on him anyways) I was gracious enough to take her over there. I picked her up early the next day (after my swing dancing lessons) and took him out back and beat the shit out of him. Okay, okay, so he merely followed us out to the car and I slapped him really hard on the shoulder(I wanted to slap him in the face) and 'told' him to NEVER do that to me again.
It seems his excuse for forgetting was that he hadn't heard from me that morning, and he didn't get my voicemails until 7:30 that evening and then he was asleep when his mom gave him the phone the next morning. Also, his fingers are broken so there wasn't any possible way he could have called me back (again, sarcasm, he's perfectly healthy).
I told him I wanted him to pay the $55 for the swimming lessons Eva is taking, the $35 for the cost of her spending the night at the daycare and $20 for the gas I wasted going back and forth and back and forth. He pulled out a $100 bill. It was the only cash he had on him. I gave it back to him. Because I'm crazy. I didn't want to be carrying around a $100 bill; I didn't want to take all the cash he had and I wanted the whole $110 right then and he didn't have it.
I'm going to call him in the morning and remind him to bring me the $ that I asked for and it will also hopefully be a reminder that he needs to PICK UP HIS DAUGHTER.
Larry Hagman Being Super Cheeky in This Photoshoot With Barbara Eden During
the Filming of the Episode “Jeannie, My Guru”, 1968
“Jeannie, My Guru” was a proposed sequel to *I Dream of Jeannie* that never
made it past the pilot stage. It would have reunited Barbara Eden and Larry
2 hours ago
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