(This is a long, detailed description of my Friday night and Saturday, if you don't want to read it all, you can just look at the pictures and read the last sentence...)
The Baby insisted on being piglet for Halloween. Even if I could have found one to buy, they don't make piglet costumes for tall toddlers!
So I went to Joann's Friday night (10.30.09) after work and got some felt and fabric dye (just in case).
Then I went to WalMart. The one 30 minutes away because it's bigger than the one by my house and I knew for certain it would have the pink pants and matching shirt I needed. I not only found what I needed, I also found a perfect pink knit cap for $1!!
I found their leotards, but they weren't exactly what I needed, so I paid for the clothes I had picked up and headed across the street to the Target, which had Jack Shit for what I could use.
Ok, fine. I came all the way back to the WalMart by my house because I swore I saw a leotard like what I needed there. I was wrong and I couldn't even find the leotards that I had seen at the first WalMart! They weren't ideal, but I could've made it work, right?
By this time, it was getting late, it was past bedtime, I was cranky cause The Baby decided she wanted my dinner instead of hers, The Baby was cranky cause she was tired and I was getting crankier trying to deal with a tired, cranky toddler! So I took her home, put her to bed and left her with my dad so i could go to a DIFFERENT WalMart 15 minutes in a different direction.
I found the very small, 3x4ft aisle where WalMart keeps their dance wear, grabbed a small, short sleeved leotard and left, patting myself on the back, while kicking myself for not getting the leotard in the first place at the first WalMart.
I took everything home, took all the tags off and threw it all into the washer because I couldn't dye the leotard until it had been washed, right? Thank goodness I bought that dye!
After waiting and waiting for the washer to be done so I could start the dyeing process, I found that the darn leotard didn't even make it into the wash with everything else!!
I grabbed a few things and started a new load. This time, I made SURE the leotard was included. I didn't even get to start dying it until 1am!
It took a little over an hour to dye. I rinsed it in the bathtub as well as I could and threw it in the wash with an old towel.
While waiting for the dye to set, I started on making piglet ears. I cut large, leaf-like shapes out of felt, pinched them in the middle and stitched it so the pinch would stay. This way I could be sure that the ears would stand up when I sewed them onto the $1 hat I found at the WalMart!
1ear done!(1am):
2ears done! (2am!):
When the washer stopped, I hung the leotard up to dry and went to bed. It was 3am!
We were up by 7:30 the next morning and The Baby was SO happy with her piglet ears.
So happy, obviously, that she had to try them on before even going to the bathroom! haha!
I put on a Winnie the Pooh dvd for her to watch and set out to add the finishing touches to the leotard. A pair of scissors and a sharpie later and voila!
Oh d-d-d-DEAR!!
(Please, please, please somebody notice that my little piglet has pigtails!)
THEN - I left my purse and camera (VERY important to have) at a friends house on the way to The Guy's to meet up with BMF (Best Mom Friend) and BBF (The Baby's best friend) at BBF's dad's house for ToTing (BBF's dad lives less than a minute away from The Guy). geez, that was a mouthful...
So, I dropped The Guy and The Baby off with BMF, BBF's dad and BBF and went off to get my camera. They were done ToTing before I even got to where I had left it!
It's all good as long as The Baby liked her costume and got to go trick or treating, right? yeah. it is. *smile*
I told The Guy that Halloween was his responsibility next year. Ha!
So, in short, I spent all night on a costume only to miss seeing her trick or treat in it because I had to have my stupid camera. Worst Halloween E.V.E.R. (Except for the cuteness that is My Little Piglet!)
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