Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
Quite a bit has happened, but I think, today, you will only hear the one I like the best. Because I am tired of being mad; I am tired of being stressed and I am tired of dealing with CRAP!!
So, last Saturday, since I was sans baby for the weekend, I decided to go out for the night. Cowboys is a nice place. I like to dance, it's fun! It's been SO long since I've been out there, too. At least 4 months, if not longer. I started dancing in May of 2005 and I've always gone to Cowboys.
Now, usually, I would go to Cowboys Red River which is only 5 minutes from my house and I know practically every bouncer in the place but, this time, I think that isprecisely the reason why I decided to go out to Cowboys in Arlington.
Now, why did I opt for a 30 minute drive as opposed to a straight 5 minute one? Theres a simple answer. Same amount of people. Bigger dance floor. Cuter Bartender.
So, I get there, it's not ladies night so there's no free valet, so I find a parking spot that is a straight shot from the entrance. I get out and make this long and drawn out sexy walk to the door, which brings over an extra bouncer who I believe I've flirted with before. (The faces get blurry in my head the longer it is between visits.) I reach into my pocket to pull out my ID only to realize that both my bank card and my ID are sitting on my desk in front of the computer where I left them when I check my balance online. DAMNIT.
Here is what I remember from my conversation with the two bouncers at the door:
B1: "Valid driver's liscence or ID, please"
B2: "Hey man how's it going over here blah blah blah"
Me: (CRAP - what I thought when I realized what was missing from my pocket) *sigh* "Sorry guys, I've left my Id and my card at home so I can't even pay to get in."
B1: "Well, I need a valid ID to let you in..."
B2: "You changed pants before you came out didn't you? I bet they're in your other pants. I do that all the time."
Me: "Yeah, I'll have to go home and get them." (I am SO dreading that shamful walk back to the car)
B2: "Yeah, that sucks"
B2 to B1: I mean, I know she's old enough to get in, I've seen her here before..."
B1: *think think think* "What's your birthdate?"
Me: *spouts off birthdate*
B2: "Dude, it doesn't matter she said she doesn't have a way to pay to get in!"
B1, turns to B2: "Put her on the list."
B2: "Huh?"
B1: "Take her inside and tell them to put her on the list."
B2: "Oh! C'mon, honey. We'll take care of yah."
So, Bouncer #2 takes me inside and up to the counter. He tells the lady behind the cash register to put me on the list and even has her stamp my hand to say I am over 21 and legally allowed to drink.
Lets review:
~ went to a bar/dancehall and forgot my ID and $.
~ was going to make the hour roundtrip to go home and come back
~ got in anyways
I'd say it was already a good night.
Let's add in a few pretty good dances and the fact that both the manager and the HOT bartender bought me drinks.
I think we need to label this a really good night.
The only way it could have been better is if I had someone to... oh let's leave that up to your imagination.
The Moral to this story?
This Chic is HOT. (and modest, I know) The End.
Larry Hagman Being Super Cheeky in This Photoshoot With Barbara Eden During
the Filming of the Episode “Jeannie, My Guru”, 1968
“Jeannie, My Guru” was a proposed sequel to *I Dream of Jeannie* that never
made it past the pilot stage. It would have reunited Barbara Eden and Larry
1 hour ago
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