Soon, we will be in the car headed to Copperas Cove. Soon, as in, as soon as our damn clothes are dry! I know; I know. It's my fault for procrastinating. I should have put them in the wash last night or something. I KNOW! There's no changing what's already done. I just have to sit here and wait. Of course, I am not packing anything else. I can't even think about what else we are bringing until I am dressed!
I know, that's kind of pathetic, but just think! Soon I will be dressed and rushing to pack everything I need for an overnight visit in within the span of 15 minutes! It'll be great! I'll frantically go over the list in my head trying not to forget anything, but I can't go straight down the list. It's there, in my head, I can see it, but I just can't read it in an orderly fashion.
I start with the main items. Pillows and blankets, two changes of clothes in case one gets soiled, toiletries such as toothbrushes and toothpaste... WAIT I forgot socks!! What shoes am I going to wear?! I should bring my flip flops just to wear around the house. Did I get socks for The Baby?! Pull-Ups!! Can't forget those!! Should I bring all of the diaper creams and the Vick's in case she starts coughing? Naw, but I know she's going to need it as soon as we get there just because I didn't bring it...
Hmmmm..... I'm hungry, I should bring snacks. No, wait, we're going for Thanksgiving dinner! you can't snack the whole way there! Then you wouldn't be hungry! The Baby will be sleeping so she won't need snacks... Did I grab her blanket?
Then, when we get there, she will have peed in her Pull-Up and I will go to the bag only to realize that I never grabbed her bag with all of her potty training necessities...
Ok! Clothes are dry! Off to dress myself and The Baby!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Handbags by Gucci During the 1950s and ’60s
Born 1881 in Florence, Tuscany, Italian businessman and fashion designer
Guccio Gucci founded the House of Gucci as a small family-owned leather
shop in 19...
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