He did not call back last night. That's okay, he has that reputation for not calling that he needs to keep up, right? I called him this morning and again a little while ago. He didn't pick up either time and I didn't leave a message. I don't like leaving messages. Voicemail makes my voice sound weird, although he assures me that I really do sound like that. I always thought my voice was deeper than that...
I just talked to him, he profusely assured me he is fine. He rear ended somebody. He told me it was Big Truck (him) vs. little car (them).
I told him I wanted to see him after work but he said he wasn't sure whether he would be there because he had to take something over to his grandparents. Which prompted me to remind him that I work 5 minutes from his grandparents' house. Hopefully he will take that into consideration so that I can have visual confirmation to go with his assurances that he is fine.
40 Fascinating Photos Capture Edwardian People Posing in Gardens
Gardens in the early 20th century reflected a blend of traditional and
modern design influences, with a growing emphasis on functionality,
aesthetics, and ...
2 hours ago
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