Wednesday, September 26, 2007

damnit *grr*

I know the times are weird, but I wrote this earlier today and then later... and then later... you'll get it

so.... it's 2:03 and I swear she said she would be here at 2 and then told me she meant 1:50 because she's always early....

maybe she said 3?

well, the living room is 'clean'... I moved boxes around to make more room and put all the newspapers in a box and all the mail in a couple big present bags and stuck them in my dad's bathroom!! (shh... don't tell!! hopefully she won't want to see my dad's bedroom, because I take no responsibility for THAT one!!)

oh!! and I've even taken a shower!!

My house is a tiny little box. It's really great because the bedrooms are so big and we have a porch with a swing (we mentioned getting a swing to put there when we were talking to the landlord about moving in - he also put in a doggie door and built a ramp for the dogs outside cause the step is a foot steep - he's awesome). We don't have a hallway, we have a room that connects 4 rooms. The backyard is probably 3 or 4 times as big as the house itself.

So, when you walk in, you're in the living room, if you go through the doorway in front of you, you would be in my dad's room. if you went to the left from the living room, you would be in the connecting room. To your left in the connecting room it the kitchen, which also connects back to my dad's room. in front of you would be the bathroom and to your right would be my room!! there you go a tour of my house. Hope you enjoyed it!!

Okay, so my best friend who moved to Colorado 6 years ago just called and we talked for over an hour and the lady still never showed up. I really don't feel like calling her to see what's going on, so I'll just pretend that I lost her card. cause it's almost 4 now... guess I lucked out... at least the living room is 'clean'...


So, my dad had tickets to the baseball game today at 1. I told him I couldn't go because that lady was supposed to be here at 2. Do you know how pissed I am? She's lucky I'm happy having a semi clean house... *harumph*

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